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A member registered May 10, 2023

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I found out that the light is created but only decorations and enemies light up

(1 edit)

when I use it on the light that is on given on the map editor, it stops shining

light status off 3 20 0 (photo)


but i tried to create a light and it doesn't do anything (I tried multiple options)

light create 5 20 0 256 255 0 0

light create 5 0 20 256 255 0 0

light create 5 1 20 256 255 0 0

light create 5 20 1 256 255 0 0

I tried using the script:

vn 1

light create 5 20 0 256 255 0 0

there is this in the manual but it doesn't work


light create [tileX] [tileY] [tileZ] [radius] [r] [g] [b] - creates a light source at tile coordinates (as shown in map editor) with your own preferences.

light move [tileX] [tileY] [tileZ] [offsetX] [offsetY] [offsetZ] - shifts any light source.

light status [on/off] [tileX] [tileY] [tileZ] - turns on/off any light source.


I also noticed that light move does not work, --- example: [offsetX] 1 to [offsetX] 2 (he makes almost no movement), but [offsetX] 64 (moves light about one block)

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In the test game: the light is not round, the dark is not completely black

but in the build game everything is different,

when you finish the game it's depressing and looks different than in the editor

any tips how to fix it?

in a build game:

and what exactly do you have in mind? when I create the game (build game), the settings are the same as in the editor, only it does not display like this in the editor

I found out that this is an error in the editor, when the game is built, the flashlight works normally

problem with flashlight, it's not a circle, but it shines strangely on the ground and on the ceiling